Thomas Griffin
Technical Game Design
Game Developer Specialized in Technical Design
My name is Thomas Griffin, Technical Designer
Since 2019, I’ve been developing different video games in both Unreal Engine and Unity, receiving praise and positive feedback. I’ve also been enhancing my skills as a Game Designer, Technical Designer, and Programmer
Nowadays, I’m working on an unannounced melee combat-focused game in Unreal Game, creating the project as a part-time solo developer, while also gaining more professional experience and looking for new opportunities on the horizon at the same time.
Game Developer Specialized in Technical Design
My name is Thomas Griffin, Technical Designer
Since 2019, I’ve been developing different video games in both Unreal Engine and Unity, receiving praise and positive feedback. I’ve also been enhancing my skills as a Game Designer, Technical Designer, and Programmer
Nowadays, I’m working on an unannounced melee combat-focused game in Unreal Game, creating the project as a part-time solo developer, while also gaining more professional experience and looking for new opportunities on the horizon at the same time.

Check out my projects
Design Skills
Game Design
Mechanics and Gameplay Design
Level Design, dialogue systems, cinematics
Enhanced UI
Enhanced Combat and balancing
Clear and Foward Design Implementations
Best Software Engineering Practices
Technical Skills
Software & Languages
Blueprints Visual Scripting & C++
Unity C#
Microsoft Office 365
Adobe Creative Suite
Visual Studio IDE, Git, VS Code
Excel & Spreadsheets
Unreal Engine 4/5
Halo Forge
Text-Based Game Creators
AC for Unity
Demo Reel
Watch a brief video demonstration showcasing the majority of my highlighted projects.

This is my portfolio.